How to Improve App Usability & its Conversions rate?

App usability and conversions rate

According to Smart Insights report app usability is increased by 90% of the time than using browsers in smartphones and more than 80% of mobile minutes in all markets being spent on apps. Now all are wanting real-time information and that should available in fingertips without spending more time, because of this reason, almost all businesses keep up to date themselves and create their business apps by consulting the best mobile app development companies and satisfy their customers by adopting current technologies in their businesses.

A word usability refers to how easy something to use, having better app usability are more beneficial to get promoted by customers itself. Users are more likely to recommend these apps to their family and friends and by using these apps, users are more likely to do purchase or make an enquiry.

Developing an effective app usability helps to retain your potential customers and attract new users and improves conversions. But achieving good conversion rate is not easy, so here I have put together some top tips to improve user experience so that it leads to important conversions.

The basic features

It is important to give more attention to the basic features of an app like screen, text, color, background and all. If users can’t see anything on the screen, then they simply go out of your app and there is a chance to uninstall it. Many users have their own eyesight problems so that an app developer should add all types of text size suits to all and elaborate fonts are hard to read and text, like squeezed together in a small box, are very difficult to read. These types of text fonts may be the reasons to lose some users because they feel difficult to find what is on the screen. And also be sure about choosing the color of the text and background color.

Make it more convenient to use

After adding great app usability features, users make use your app so you need to improve your app speed and make it more convenient. As I mentioned above, people want information more quickly and should available in the fingertips. Example: if a user wants to enter numbers then that app should automatically change keyboard into the keypad and if the user wants to open contact list, the app should have the option to open their contact list quickly.

One more important thing is increasing speed, this also has a huge impact. Reducing loading speed and high-speed internet which helps to make them happy.

Provide choice to make their decision

Ensure that you provide a choice to perform an action or option to choose a user’s wish. The only point to get frustrating when using the app is, there is no option but to carry out the action or have to exit from the app. For example: If you are watching the video, advertising will come for a long time and no option to skip. In this situation, users may find some other apps which give less pain factors, then obviously effect on your business.

Focus on goal

Yes, it is very difficult to find the overall goal of the users for visiting your app. But you can analyze and try to add features or provide service to meet customer’s expectations. If you are running an e-commerce business, then your app should have the option to buy, return, cancel the order, exchange and more. If you provide only buy option it doesn’t give any sense, so the app should have all necessary services related to a business and display every service in equal measures for users to choose.

If you are running a business and needs an app that has above qualities, Contact FuGenX Technologies, which helps to get more success in your business through the app. FuGenX is the best company of mobile app development Abu Dhabi. And provide service for mobile game development in UAE.


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